Even though we’re sheltering in place, the Northeastern University’s Facilities Services is celebrating Arbor Day at the Boston Campus.  On this special day of observing and planting trees, we would like to take a moment to appreciate all the beautiful and unique ways it has sheltered our campus from the urban environment, providing; color, cleaner air, energy conservation, and beauty.  Check out the virtual tour and photos featuring some of the many plants that are staring to bloom around the campus.



Catkins hanging from American hornbeam; Carpinus caroliniana. A native understory small tree for shady sites. Akebia quinataFiveleaf Akebia; Sometimes called Chocolate Vine, will grow in sun or shade, unique flowers  Koreanspice Viburnum, Viburnum carlesii; Fragrant flowers develop on a compact growing 4’ to 5’ shrub.