Crane Pick at Curry Student Center

The Planning, Real Estate, and Facilities Division has scheduled a crane pick on Monday, October 2nd,  through Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at the Snell Library Quad from 12:00 AM to 7:00 AM. On Monday, October 2nd, and Tuesday, October 3rd, the crane will be located on the East side between Ell Hall and Mugar Life Sciences Building.


From Wednesday, October 4th, through Saturday, October 7th, the crane will be located on the West side at the Snell Library Quad.


These picks will require temporary closure of the quad and the East side of Curry Student Center entrances.

Signage will direct traffic. NUPD will provide detailed services.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this closure, please contact the Facilities Customer Service Center at 617-373-2754, and they will direct your call to the appropriate person.